PLE Pik My Kid

We use PikMyKid for our afternoon dismissal.

Please make sure to have the app download using the QR Codes below and that you have your default mode of pick up listed (this is how student is primarily dismissed) and are utilizing the calendar to make changes as needed.

PMK QR Codes

SETTING YOUR STUDENTS DEFAULT MODE (see slide below for making changes)

  • This is typically how your student will go home over 50% of the time.
  • Please make sure you have updated this in PikmyKid ASAP.
  • Effective Tuesday September 5th this feature will be locked down and this is how your student will be dismissed unless you have made a daily dismissal change.


  • The office is currently updating the Bus Routes in PMK for each student that has a route. Routes are determined by the district.  This will be completed by end of day Friday Aug 18th.
  • If you are not able to see your student’s bus or route number, please call the South Office:  303-387-8325 or North office 303-387-8275 and we can assist you further.
  • Students are only allowed to ride their assigned bus home; they cannot ride another student’s bus.


  • Students that are designated as North,South or Kinde Walkers, will be dismissed once the parent is on campus.
  • Ensure you have also communicated to your students teacher if studnets are actually walking home.
  • You do need to announce your arrival for your student to be dismissed from the classroom
  • Ensure you have talked with your students about where they are to meet you.
PMK Setting Default Mode


Making Daily Changes


  • Car Line – Please do not announce your arrival until you reach the sign to announce.
  • When you are within the geofence your announce button will turn green.
  • Walkers - Please announce when you are actually on campus.

If you need any assistance please call the South Office 303-387-8325 or the North office at 303-387-8275

The information below can assist you with navigating your Mobile App.

Even if your student(s) ride the bus on a daily basis, it is important that you are familiar with PMK in the event of bus cancellations.  Due to driver shortages we have had numerous cancellations this last year.    

Thanks for helping us to have a safe and successful dismissal for your students everyday! 

Dismissal Times:

  • 3:55pm: 
    • Car Line – Parent Pick Up Lane
  • 4:00pm: 
    • North Walker & South Walker– students are dismissed from the class room and can walk home or meet parent/guardian/designated adult at a designated meeting place.
    • Kinde Walkers– Kindergarten Students are dismissed to Room 305. Please ensure you have your pik my kid app showing your student when picking them up.
    • All Before and After school Activities  
    • Bus

Making Changes to Students Dismissal

  • If your student has a change of plans for evening dismissal, please ensure you have changed it in PikMyKid by 3:30pm so that we have ample time to adjust and communicate.  
  • If you need to make a change after 3:30 please call the office.

Announcing / Checking In your student

Parents can only announce at school, during the set dismissal hours beginning at 3:30pm

Make sure your phone's location services are enabled on both your phone and your PikMyKid parent app.

  • Car Line - Stop at the stop sign and select the GREEN ANNOUNCE button on your Pick Up tab.
  • Walkers – Parents need to “Check In” on the parent App, select the GREEN ANNOUNCE button on your Pick Up tab.

Please follow the direction of staff outside.

Below is a copy of our Traffic Flow as well as our basic Arrival and Dismissal procedures.