Dear Pine Lane Elementary Community,
On August 8, the Douglas County School District Board of Education unanimously voted 7-0 to place a $66 million Mill Levy Override (MLO) and $484 million Bond on the November 2023 ballot.
If passed by voters, these new funds would be used at our school to:
- Increase teacher and staff pay
- Enhance safety and security
- Addition of Campus Security Specialist
- Refresh student and staff technology
- Make much needed repairs and upgrades to our building
- Replace heating/cooling systems and components
- Replace flooring
- Replace washing stations
- Install new intercom systems
Teachers in the Douglas County School District earn, on average, $19,000 less compared to a neighboring school district. Additional MLO funding, if passed by voters, would enable DCSD to pay teachers and staff more competitively and to increase security staffing support for our schools.
- DCSD teachers, on average, would receive a 9% pay increase, as reflected in these salary schedules
- Support staff, such as bus drivers, educational assistants, custodians, etc., would receive a 9% pay increase
- Other staff would receive a 7% pay increase
A $484 million Bond, if passed by voters, would be used to expand trade, career and technical education opportunities; perform safety and security upgrades; and ensure safe and adequate learning environments for students and staff. The Bond would provide for three new elementary schools in growing areas of our county, as well as the expansion of two middle schools.
If the MLO and Bond are approved by voters, Douglas County homeowners can expect to pay approximately $200 per year for a home valued at $1,000,000.
You can read more about DCSD’s funding challenges and arguments for and against the ballot initiatives on our website. Thank you for being an engaged and informed member of our school community!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary School