Good Afternoon Crew,
Every year starts with relationships, routines, norms, and expectations! That is what all our Crews have been focusing on throughout this week. Today several of our grades worked with staff to go over playground expectations. We also have a series of fun videos our staff put together. Check out our announcements for some entertainment and points of conversation with your child about school-level expectations. The rest of our classes will run through playground training tomorrow. Students are working to remember their lunch numbers to get through the lunch line quickly. Our Kindies are almost ready for their first full day on Monday. We cannot wait to have everyone here and get into full swing. And finally, we are all ironing out the wrinkles in our dismissal process; it always takes a little practice and training at the beginning of the year for everyone.
This communication too will set the pattern for school-level communications. Every other week on Thursday we will send a school-wide newsletter highlighting various happenings and important information. Our teachers will be communicating their newsletters starting next Friday. Please watch for that important information. This information will also be housed on our website under Pine Lane Updates for your future reference. Our goal is that information is timely and easy to access.
Here are a few important items to keep in mind as the year gets going:
- Kindergarten’s 1st Full Day & Kindie Boo Hoo/Yahoo! - Monday, August 14th
- Vision and Hearing Screening - Wednesday, August 16th
- Back to School Night - Thursday, August 17th @ 5:30
- Band and Orchestra Instrument Tryout - Thursday, August 17th
- Fall Fundraiser Kick Off - Friday, August 18th
Our first School Accountability Committee (SAC) meeting will be held Wednesday, August 30th. We are looking finalize our formal committee members. During Back to School Night, we will be voting on two open seats. For information about our nominees see the following link: 2023 SAC Nominees.
I would also like to reiterate how grateful that you entrust us with your children each day. We so value your partnership as we seek to empower excellence in character, achievement, and contribution to a better world!
We are Pine Lane! We are Crew!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary